Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wallpaper House


Wallpaper House Biography:

House generally refers to a shelter or building that is single family detached dwelling or place for habitation by human beings. English-speaking people generally call any building they routinely occupy 'home'. Many people leave their house during the day for work and recreation but typically return to it to sleep or for other activities.Since moving into the house, we’ve been time each week stripping off layers and layers of wallpaper in each room.
The steamer machine, loaned to by the Beckwiths back home in Horsham, works a treat.
The “Blue bedroom”, named as such because the current wallpaper is a vivid floral blue. This room is the last remaining one with wall paper remaining. Although a bit tedious, steaming and scraping off the paper has been also relaxing. You get into an almost zen-like

Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 
Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 

Wallpaper House 
Christmas House Live Wallpaper
Wallpaper* 'Sliding House'

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